Maps as a Tool for Community Development: presentation of the initiative by the Minregion and the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine

Maps of each territorial community have been developed on the initiative of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine and with the support from the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.

Maps are important and obligatory tools for planning the development of territorial communities. Based on the maps, communities can further plan the development of their territories – mark existing and projected social and transport infrastructure projects, build the routes of public transport, touristic routes etc. The maps will also be of use for defining the borders of the territorial communities and settlements as well as for area zoning.

The presentation will take place on 23 September at 12:00 at Ukrainian Crisis Media Center. The communities will receive detailed information about the maps and how to access them.

The following speakers will participate:

  • Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine
  • Yevgen Poberezhny, Elections and Governance Officer of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
  • Pavlo Ostapenko, Co-ordinator of the OSCE-PCU supported expert group on cartography and geospatial data
  • Serhii Kaliman – Head of Vasylivska territorial Community (Zaporizka oblast)

The event will be broadcast at YouTube and Facebook pages of Ukraine Crisis Media Centre, as well as at  the Facebook page of the web-portal “Decentralization’.

21.09.2021 - 10:28 | Views: 6045
Maps as a Tool for Community Development: presentation of the initiative by the Minregion and the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine




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