Civil protection measures while developing a complex plan of municipality spatial development, - clarifications and document samples

On July, 28, 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted resolution On Approving the Procedure, Conditions of Providing and Using a Subvention from the State Budget to Local Budgets, Aimed at Developing Complex Plans of Municipality Spatial Development, launching the mechanism of encouraging local self-government bodies to develop the above-mentioned urban development (spatial) documents.

Samples of preliminary specifications for spatial development complex plan samples are available for municipalities at the Decentralisation portal.

In addition, the State Emergency Service has prepared clarifications of peculiarities of civil protection engineering and technical measures during complex plan of municipality spatial development.

15.09.2021 - 10:41 | Views: 7066
Civil protection measures while developing a complex plan of municipality spatial development, - clarifications and document samples

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spatial planning safety


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