U-LEAD with Europe is changing its visual style

U-LEAD with Europe has started the process of changing its visual style as of September 7.



Since the territorial-administrative set-up is finalised, the Programme has continued to focus on the development of municipalities, assisting them in effectively seizing as many as possible of the opportunities given to them through the reform. The other major change is that U-LEAD has evolved into a strong digital operation, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new logo contains a stylized letter “U” which has the form of an origami, a line that changes its angle and finds a new direction. It symbolises the new standards of living and changes for the better that are taking place through decentralisation in Ukraine. The Programme’s new approach to visual style includes new colors, backgrounds and fonts that look even better in digital formats, depicting the Programme’s focus on digital change at the municipality level.

With this refreshment of U-LEAD’s brand the Programme ensures continuity with the brand established over the past five years, which stands for the high motivation and results-orientation of all Programme staff.

“The rebranding of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme resembles our readiness for change and the demand for digitalisation. Together with the renewal of the visual style, we will make even greater efforts to support Ukraine on its path to strengthening local self-government,” said Bastian Veigel, GIZ Programme Director of U-LEAD with Europe.




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