The institute of prefects is a preventor of the vertical structure of the state power, - Oleksiy Chernyshov

Thanks to decentralization, municipalities and local councils are responsible for the spheres the state used to take care of. On the one hand, it means additional opportunities, on the other hand, it implies risks that deputies will initiate the decisions being out of their authority. Some safeguards are necessary at the state level to prevent it. It was emphasized by the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine   Oleksiy Chernyshov in his column at the Novoye Vremya (New Time).

«Electrical networks are an applied analogy. For the whole network to be preserved, it is divided into transformer plants and automats, breaking the network in case of emergency. A similar preventor in the vertical structure of the state power is the institute of prefects or administration heads, having coordinating and controlling functions», – claimed Oleksiy Chernyshov.

05.08.2021 - 13:23 | Views: 5102
The institute of prefects is a preventor of the vertical structure of the state power, - Oleksiy Chernyshov


Oleksii Chernyshov prefect Constitution



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