The main task of municipalities at this land reform phase is the land inventory auditing and registration, - Roman Leshchenko

While reporting at the the Ukraine 30. Decentralisation All-Ukrainian Forum, the Minister of the Agrarian Policy Roman Leshchenko answered questions by a journalist of the portal “Decentralisation on the risks and advantages of the land market opening and urgent municipality steps”.

«Since May of 2021 when the land market was opened, in Ukraine there have been registered over two thousand land agreements for the territory of more than three thousand hectares, – informed Roman Leshchenko. – It has proved once again that rumours about land sale, carriages transporting Ukrainian black soil turned out to be nothing but political speculations, having been lasted for 30 years. The land market functions under normal conditions, more than 4 thousand notaries have got access to the State Land Cadastre, the system of exchange between registers functions in a routine mode, with the land monitoring recording all the agreements, publicizing them at the site of the Ministry of the Agrarian Policy».

29.07.2021 - 09:51 | Views: 3719
The main task of municipalities at this land reform phase is the land inventory auditing and registration, - Roman Leshchenko




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