Decentralisation enables municipalities to distribute the budget according to the residents’ needs, - the Prime-Minister The Government is continuing to work in the sphere of improving the investment climate in municipalities. It was emphasized by Prime-Minister Denys Shmyhal during his address to the Ukraine 30. Decentralisation All-Ukrainian Forum. According to the Prime-Minister, there are successful examples of industrial parks functioning in different oblasts. Moreover, we are working to support investors with a considerable volume of investment. «Next week the Government will approve of the final resolutions, related to the law on investors with considerable investments, and it will eventually work. As for now there are more than 26 investors, having addressed UkraineInvest, with the general amount of investment of USA$ 1,7 billion», — claimed the Prime-Minister.
The Government is continuing to work in the sphere of improving the investment climate in municipalities. It was emphasized by Prime-Minister Denys Shmyhal during his address to the Ukraine 30. Decentralisation All-Ukrainian Forum.
According to the Prime-Minister, there are successful examples of industrial parks functioning in different oblasts. Moreover, we are working to support investors with a considerable volume of investment.
«Next week the Government will approve of the final resolutions, related to the law on investors with considerable investments, and it will eventually work. As for now there are more than 26 investors, having addressed UkraineInvest, with the general amount of investment of USA$ 1,7 billion», — claimed the Prime-Minister.

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