The municipality voice has to be powerful: citations from the assembly of municipalities

On July, 7, the All-Ukrainian Assembly of Municipalities took place under the motto «The municipality voice has to be powerful». Hundreds of municipality heads, people’deputies, government agencies officials, representatives of international organisations and technical aid projects, experts gathered in one hall. According to European colleagues, the All-Ukrainian Assembly of Municipalities, organized by the Association of Municipalities, is the first event of such a scale in Europe to have been held offline since the pandemic beginning.

«For the first time since the elections in October of 2020 we are able to meet and discuss the issues of concern, achievements, victories and share our experience offline. I am sure that the processes happening now will bring their fruits later. For me the whole assembly hall means that it is high time to meet and talk», – claimed Oleksandr Korinnyi, the head of the All-Ukrainian Association of Municipalities, the head of Novoukrainska municipality.



10.07.2021 - 12:11 | Views: 4814
The municipality voice has to be powerful: citations from the assembly of municipalities


amalgamation of hromadas international support


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