A system of administrative services delivery has been created in the Stepanetska municipality in the Cherkasy oblast

On June, 23, 2021, a proper ASC, created with support of the U-LEAD with Europe EU Programme, was opened in the Stepanetska municipality. Tobias Tiberg, the ambassador of Sweden to Ukraine, Oleksandr Skichko, the head of the Cherkasy oblast state administration, Alla Shostak, the head of the expert group of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, and Susanna Dellans, the Sida director of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme congratulated the municipality on the occasion.

«We are proud of making our contribution and being part of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme that is a perfect example of fruitful cooperation between Ukraine and EU, aimed at supporting decentralization in Ukraine. As a result of the U-LEAD activity, 1 300 services access points have been created all over Ukraine and millions of Ukrainians experience advantages of quality services delivery near their home. I am sure that the Stepanetska municipality ASC will become a place without any discrimination for the municipality residents to attend with trust and positive expectations», – emphasized Tobias Tiberg, the ambassador of Sweden to Ukraine.

Attached images:


Administrative services


Черкаська область


Степанецька територіальна громада


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