Funeral services: why is it worth destroying the communal monopoly and how to do it?

The decentralization policy facilitates favourable conditions for the urgent reform of funeral and ceremonial services realization in Ukraine. However, no transformations in the sphere occur and they are not represented on the agenda.

At the same time a key issue of the national funeral sphere is that too much role is played by the communal services at the local ceremonial services markets and their complete monopoly for the burial places maintenance. All that triggers numerous cases of abuse, corruption and many challenges, faced by people, having to bury the dead. A priority for burial sphere and ceremonial services reform must be to overcome the monopoly. The issue is how and to what extent this can be done.

Колонка відображає винятково позицію її автора. За достовірність інформації відповідає автор колонки. Точка зору редакції порталу «Децентралізація» може не збігатися з точкою зору автора колонки.
23.06.2021 - 10:23 | Views: 9389
Олексій Колесников

Author: Олексій Колесников


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Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors.
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Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors.
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Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors. You can visit:
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Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors. You can visit:
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Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors. You can visit:
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Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors.
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Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors.
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Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors.
Default image
Norma harris
17.08.2021 - 18:06
So Sad, People should take action against those providers that do the same as you mentioned above. Once they complain to the authority next time they will think before doing so. I am running my own company to offer services in singapore nobody complain due to my educated and well manner staff and directors.
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