June, 22 – presentation of the manual «Theory and Practice of Improving local self-government services»

On June, 22, 2021, an online-discussion and presentation of the manual “Theory and Practice of Improving local self-government services” will be held at 11:00. The manual has been prepared as a result of cooperation with 75 municipalities-partners of the DOBRE USAID Programme.

The manual contains hands-on recommendations for local self-government bodies, willing to improve services delivery for municipality residents. The DOBRE USAID Programme experts suggest using a general tool — The Service Delivery Improvement Plan. The tool efficiency is based on the general public involvement at all stages of its development and introduction.

The event will be held online, being streamlined at the pages of the DOBRE USAID Programme in Facebook, the Youtube #DOBREpractices, and the website of the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre.

17.06.2021 - 12:22 | Views: 5122
June, 22 – presentation of the manual «Theory and Practice of Improving local self-government services»


amalgamation of hromadas announcement


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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