The EU launches the new ‘EU4Culture’ project in Ukraine, supporting culture and creative industries

The European Union is launching the new project ‘EU4Culture’, targeting the cultural and creative sectors in the Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

The ‘EU4Culture’ project aims to contribute to making culture an engine for growth and social development across the region. Through this project, the EU will support the Eastern Partnership countries in developing the potential of the culture and creative sector, while fostering intercultural dialogue, knowledge sharing, better local governance and economic growth.

  • ‘EU4Culture’ is a regional project supporting culture and the creative sector in the Eastern Partnership countries, with a special focus on non-capital cities and towns. In particular, the project will:
  • Support the development and implementation of Cultural Development Strategies in non-capital cities and towns in the region.
  • Provide grants to implement Cultural Development Strategies, as well as support local and regional festivals, cultural projects and cross-innovation projects.
  • Provide capacity-building support to cities Cultural Development Strategies.
  • Support artists and cultural professionals to be more active on an international level through providing mobility grants.

Ultimately, the cultural and creative sectors and citizens at large will benefit from effective cultural development strategies. At the same time, artists and cultural professionals from the region will have an opportunity to meet and learn from each other.

On 21 May 2021, the project will has launched the first call for proposals to support the preparation of Cultural Development Strategies targeting non-capital cities and towns in the countries. The call for proposals aims to assist cities and towns to develop and implement a Cultural Development Strategy, following the approach of the European Capitals of Culture. The first step will be the selection of cities or towns in the Eastern Partnership countries, which will further compete for financial support to develop their Cultural Development Strategy. Applications are accepted till 30 June, details at the link.

Background information:

The ‘EU4Culture’ project is funded by the European Union with a budget of €7.85 million, and is implemented by a consortium led by Goethe-Institut (Lead), Institut Français in Georgia, Czech Centres, and Danish Culture Institute. The project’s implementation started on 1 January 2021 and will end on 31 December 2024.

For further information please contact Daria Moskalevych, the Coordinator of the ‘EU4Culture’ project at

28.05.2021 - 15:18 | Views: 6001
The EU launches the new ‘EU4Culture’ project in Ukraine, supporting culture and creative industries


culture international support grant


‘EU4Culture’ project

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