Land decentralisation: the President has signed the law, returning hromadas the right to dispose of their lands

During the AllUkrainian Forum «Ukraine 30. Land», President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has signed Law On Amending the Land Code of Ukraine and other Regulations on Improving the System of Management and Deregulation in Land Relations (bill № 2194), passed by the Verkhovna Rada on April, 28.

The President emphasized that the document, being signed by him, would drastically change the land surveying, being “the land Constitution” of Ukraine.

«This is the law depriving an official of the function of registering the right to land they have never seen. It is the law to eventually return hromadas the right to dispose of their lands, the law to clearly define that only Ukrainians are entitled to purchase and sell land», – claimed Volodymyr Zelenskyi.


land law


Офіс Президента України

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