Modernised ASC opened in Fastiv hromada with support by the EU-funded U-LEAD with Europe Programme


On 14 May, a modernised Administrative Service Center (ASC) opened in Fastiv hromada in Kyiv region.

Viacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Hromadas and Territories Development of Ukraine; Liudmyla Rabchynska, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine; Xavier Camus, Head of the Good Governance and Rule of Law Section at the EU Delegation to Ukraine; Vasyl Volodin, Head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration; Louise Morsing, Deputy Head of Mission, First Secretary of the Swedish Embassy in Ukraine; Susanna Dellans, Programme Director of U-LEAD with Europe from Sida joined the opening ceremony and congratulated the residents.

Xavier Camus, Head of the Good Governance and Rule of Law Section at the EU Delegation to Ukraine noted: “Access to public services in a modern, digital and transparent manner is crucial for citizens’ quality of life and attractiveness of hromadas. I am therefore proud that with the support of the EU-funded U-LEAD with Europe Programme an efficient administrative service centre has been opened in Fastiv hromada. Having well-functioning ASCs free of corruption will strengthen trust in the local authorities and create a positive environment for empowerment of residents and economic growth”.



With the comprehensive institutional support of the EU-funded U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the centre has integrated a wide range of services and will provide 65,000 residents with 248 services, including social services, land services, civil status registration, business, and real estate services.

“With each new well-functioning ASC, our region is one step closer to establishing an effective service delivery system. Quality services available to everyone is one of the priorities on which our team works. We are grateful to international partners for their support in improving the quality of administrative services for the population, because with the support of U-LEAD, 19 ASCs are being created in the region”, – commented Vasyl Volodin, Head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration.



“The main task of decentralisation has always been the formation of capable hromadas that ensure the provision of accessible and quality services. Well-functioning ASC is an indicator of the right vector for local government efforts, an important step towards sustainable development and capacity building. On behalf of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, I congratulate the Fastiv hromada on today's important event and wish to continue the chosen path of development“, – mentioned Viacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Hromadas and Territories Development of Ukraine.



The programme, together with the hromada, equipped 24 workplaces with furniture, IT equipment and software, including a self-service place where residents can receive e-services. An electronic queue management system is also installed in the ASC.

“Today, Ukrainians can receive administrative services at more than 1,821 access points. We plan to expand the ASC network to 3,867 points by 2024. Everyone will be able to receive quality public services, regardless of where they live – in a city of millions or a small territorial hromada. The Ministry is working to increase the average number of services provided by the ASC from 105 to 400-800. This will allow Ukrainians to receive all the necessary services in one space throughout their lives”, – stated Lyudmyla Rabchynska, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.



The Fastiv hromada renovated the ASC premises according to the design provided by the Programme, and equipped it for the people with disabilities. There is a children’s corner and a citizen office in the Centre. All ASC employees passed the training, tailor-made by Ukrainian and Swedish experts of U-LEAD with Europe.

“Sweden and the EU have been committed partners to Ukraine in its reform endeavours for a long time. The U-LEAD with Europe Programme is an excellent example of fruitful cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. The Programme supports the establishment of 484 Administrative Service Centres all over Ukraine and more than 1 300 access points to service provision, which bring services closer to the population. We are grateful to Fastiv hromada for effective partnership and active position", – said Louise Morsing, Deputy Head of Mission, First Secretary of the Swedish Embassy in Ukraine.

Mykhailo Netyazhuk, Head of the Fastiv Hromada, thanked the partners: “Thanks to the cooperation with the programme, our community has modernised the administrative service center and made it up to date and comfortable, where residents can receive quality and convenient services. I am confident that our community will demonstrate excellent results and we will continue fruitful cooperation with partners."


Attached images:


Administrative services V.Nehoda


Київська область


Фастівська територіальна громада


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