Territorial hromadas management for managers – the studies have started

On April, 23, 2021 the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administartion of the National Academy of Public Administartions under the President of Ukraine started training according to the advanced training curriculum «Territorial hromadas management for managers».

The programme is realized within the USAID DOBRE Programme, fulfilled by the Global Communities in cooperation with Malopolska School of Public Administration at the Krakow University of Economics (MSAP/UEK, Poland), a partner of the USAID DOBRE Programme.  

The programme involves teachers-trainers from Ukraine and Poland, it is accredited by the National Agency of Ukraine on Public Service.

The training will take place by November, 2021 and will last 190 academic hours. Having completed the training, students will be awarded with a certificate of advanced training by the institute and Krakow University of Economics (UEK).

Contact the project coordinator from the institute Vasylyeva Olena (e-mail: Vasylieva.Olena@gmail.com) for details.

23.04.2021 - 16:07 | Views: 3935
Territorial hromadas management for managers – the studies have started




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