State administrations with new authorities and their clear differentiation: the parliament will consider an important bill on decentralisation

Taking into consideration the new administrative and territorial arrangement implementation in the country, in the near future the parliament can normalize local state administrations activity. This week people’s deputies will consider in its first reading the draft of the law On Local State Administrations (№ 4298).

«Last January we started systemic consultations with local state administrations, local self-government associations and all ministries, experts. A jointly drafted text of a future bill was proposed for public consideration last summer. At the same time a series of open public dialogues in the regions was held. It was followed by a thorough work over a document with the line parliamentary committee and an appropriate working group, working over decentralization implementation. Jointly with people’ s deputies of Ukraine we aimed at drafting a quality bill and we succeeded in it», - commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

03.03.2021 - 18:27 | Views: 12187
State administrations with new authorities and their clear differentiation: the parliament will consider an important bill on decentralisation

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V.Nehoda rayon


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