The President at the meeting of the Council of Hromadas and Territories Development: We have to solve a couple of important issues to complete decentralisation

To complete decentralization it is necessary to amend the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of relations between the central and local authorities, and to approve of legislation on local referendums and local self-government in urban hromadas. It was claimed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi during the meeting of the Council of Hromadas and Territories Development within the Ukraine 30 all-Ukrainian forum.

The head of the state emphasized that finally decentralisation was being implemented rather than imitated. He stated that Ukrainians’ living standard, safety, health care, education, comfort and wellbeing depended on the level of cooperation between public authorities.

«We have done everything to create capable hromadas, able to solve the majority of issues, related to their present and our common future», – said the President.

25.02.2021 - 15:25 | Views: 4779
The President at the meeting of the Council of Hromadas and Territories Development: We have to solve a couple of important issues to complete decentralisation


Офіційне інтернет-представництво Президента України

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