Denys Shmyhal: It is necessary to speed up rayon state administration reorganization and ensure stable functioning of social welfare authorities

According to the Uryadovyi Portal (Governmental Portal), on February, 25, Prime-minister Denys Shmyhal discussed the administrative and territorial arrangement reform progress with heads of oblast and Kyiv city state administrations, particularly, rayon state administration formation and reorganisation.

According to the Prime-minister, to arrange each hromada’s cooperation with public authorities is an important phase of the decentralisation reform. The process has to be congruent and clear, that is why it is necessary to speed up rayon state administration reorganization and ensure stable functioning of social welfare authorities.

«It is important for people in need of help to go on receiving welfare and protection from the state. It should be paid attention to while continuing the reform and it is necessary to speed up social welfare departments formation in hromadas», — emphasized Denys Shmyhal.

Attached images:


Denys Shmyhal social services


Урядовий портал

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