Kolomyia: the first social enterprise in the town, employing disabled people

In March of 2017 three women — mothers of disabled kids — set out the public organization called Same Chas (It is High Time) in Kolomyia. The organization is aimed at assisting young disabled people in socialisation and self–realisation, their rights and interest protection, as well as informing Ukrainians about the importance and advantages of the environment inclusiveness and public life equality. In 2019 it was decided to establish a social enterprise in Kolomyia where young disabled people would be able to work — in such a way a workshop sewing eco–bags was initiated. The initiative was implemented in March of 2020, supported by the PROMIS Project and Kolomyia Town Council.


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social services


Івано-Франківська область


Коломийська територіальна громада



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