Transferring rayon medical establishments to hromadas ’communal property: the task is to preserve a capable network of health care establishments

Preserving the network of rayon health care establishments and ensuring their non-stop operation is the first agenda issue in terms of power territorial arrangement under the new administrative and territorial arrangement.

It was emphasized during a joint meeting of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health with oblast state administrations and associations of local self-government bodies.

«The National Health Service funds all communal non-profit health care establishments from the state budget. Communal services value is approximately 8 % of the hospital budget. A hromada must understand that having a hospital on its territory, it provides jobs, it is able to provide people with the necessary medical services, it gets an income tax, paid by the hospital employees», - mentioned Iryna Mykychak, deputy Minister of Health.

17.12.2020 - 15:39 | Views: 20899
Transferring rayon medical establishments to hromadas ’communal property: the task is to preserve a capable network of health care establishments


healthcare V.Nehoda


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