The Government has decided on establishing new rayon state administrations

Now the system of rayon state administrations in Ukraine corresponds to the new administrative and territorial arrangement of the country.

The Government has approved of the Procedure of taking actions, targeted to establishing and reorganising rayon state administrations, as well as of legal succession of the property, rights and obligations of the rayon state administrations that have been liquidated. The ruling was approved at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on December, 16.

At the same time the Government passed an enactment to reorganise and establish 119 rayon state administrations.

«The further steps to be taken are the Cabinet of Ministers’ suggesting candidates for the positions of heads of rayon state administrations and their being appointed by the President of Ukraine. At the next meetings the Government will define the structure and quantity of rayon state administration employees. Following that it will be necessary as soon as possible to form a new line-up of rayon state administrations that have to ensure coordination with the newly-elected rayon councils and jointly solve urgent issues», - commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

16.12.2020 - 16:13 | Views: 79553
The Government has decided on establishing new rayon state administrations


rayon V.Nehoda


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