USAID has launched a new youth programme in Ukraine

On December, 10 there was held the first public online-event of the programme “Dreaming and Acting” – a new youth programme by USAID in Ukraine, targeted to demonstrating how young people involvement in events locally, nationally and internationally assists in improving national processes, as well as defining how to radically extend youth participation in the formal, institutionalized political activitySinger Alyona Alyona and Insta and Tik-Tok blogger Jerry Heil took part in the programme opening procedure.

 «We are happy to have launched a programme and to work shoulder-to-shoulder with the youth for the purpose of assisting young Ukrainian males and females in generating positive transformations in their own lives, in their hromadas, as well as supporting young leaders on the way to the Ukrainian identity aimed at values. With the help of the programme the youth from all over Ukraine will have access to economic opportunities and possibilities of obtaining new skills, to be leaders and contribute to problem-shooting at the hromada level», - stated Mehri Druckman, director of the USAID programme “Dreaming and Acting”.

11.12.2020 - 12:57 | Views: 6253
USAID has launched a new youth programme in Ukraine




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