Education management in the new hromadas: on December, 3 the Ministry of Education and Science and the DECIDE project are holding an online session, providing tips to education managers

On December, 3, 2020, the Ministry of Education and Science and the DECIDE project are holding an online session, providing tips to education managers about establishing education authorities in the newly-created hromadas.

The online-session will start a series of events for educational managers and education authorities’ employees of the newly-formed and reorganized hromadas within the Education in Full in the New Hromadas project. The major aim of the project is to assist in developing an efficient local education management system.

Date: December, 3, 14:30-15:40.

Online streaming: at the Facebook-pages of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as DECIDE.

Registration is open at:

02.12.2020 - 10:59 | Views: 6445

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