An anti-crisis communication manual for hromadas: how to counteract challenges and act efficiently under the crisis conditions

The manual "Communication and Crisis: How can Hromadas Counteract Challenges and Act Efficiently under the Crisis Conditions", created with assistance from the USAID DOBRE Programme, dwells upon different types of crisis that may occur in the modern world, and rules that are worth following for the sake of a successful anti-crisis communication.


In the manual the author has combined cases and experience of various hromadas of Ukraine as well as the newest opinions and approaches to anti-crisis communication of the leading western researchers. Such a combination of the advanced methods and knowledge about the essence of crisis phenomena in the modern world will be useful for both local self-government experts and the general public.

27.11.2020 - 15:23 | Views: 6111
An anti-crisis communication manual for hromadas: how to counteract challenges and act efficiently under the crisis conditions


komunikatsii DOBRE communications


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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