Verkhovna Rada Chairperson Volodymyr Groysman calls voting for Law on state service historical

Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Groysman has congratulated the people's deputies on the adoption of the Law of Ukraine on state service.

"Without any doubts this is a historical voting. We have traveled a long way to do that. I congratulate you on the adoption of the law on the state service," the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada said on Thursday.

At the same time, Groysman noted that the law would take effect on May 1, 2016, and until that time, the work on some disputable issues of the legislative act will continue.

"We may have different approaches and different vision. If we think that the pension coverage is the issue requiring particular attention, let's discuss it closely. We have five months to tackle such issues. I am confident we will coupon periods with that," Groysman said.


Press Secretary of the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

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