Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts Law "On state service"

The Law determines the principles, legal and organizational grounds to ensure public, professional, politically-unbiased, effective, citizen-oriented state service functioning in the interests of the state and the society, as well as the order of exercising of the Ukrainian citizens' right to equal access to the public service basing on their personal qualities and achievements.

Pursuant to the Law, the state service is public, professional, politically-unbiased activity aimed at practical task performance, in particular:

1) analyzing state policy at the national, field and regional levels;

2) implementation of state policy, performance of national, field and regional programs, implementation of laws and other regulatory-legal acts;

3) guaranteeing of accessible and high-quality administrative services;

4) state control over observance of the legislation;

5) management of state financial resources, property; control over use of state financial resources;

6) management of state bodies' workforce;

7) other authorities of a state body envisioned by the law.

In particular, the Law rules that a public servant is a citizen of Ukraine occupying a state service seat at a state body, other state institution, their secretariats, earns salary at the expense of the state budget and discharges responsibilities directly related to tasks and functions of respective state body.

Respective draft law was registered under No. 2490.


Information Department of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

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