Agricultural lands from the state ownership to the communal one: the President has signed a decree

The President of Ukraine has signed Decree № 449/2020 On some Measures Aimed at Accelerating Land Relations Reforms. The document stipulates transfer agricultural lands from the state to the communal ownership.

«The key issue of decentralization without which it cannot be completed, is land transfer directly to hromadas. Today this important stride will be made. Today I am signing the decree on the measures, targeted to agricultural lands transfer from the state ownership to the communal one», – he said.

15.10.2020 - 15:56 | Views: 20526
Agricultural lands from the state ownership to the communal one: the President has signed a decree




Офіс Президента України

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Сергій Карман
17.10.2020 - 19:30
Абсолютно популістична новина, зауваження не до сайту, де у Указі про 26.10, я розумію, що так його інтерпретує ОПУ, але це черговий популізм.
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