19 March 2025

An atlas of the new administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine has been created

Initiated by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, experts of the Association of Researchers of Ukraine have prepared the Atlas of the New Administrative and Territorial Arrangement of Ukraine. The New Rayon Division and Territorial Hromadas: 2020

«The Atlas is not just a map of the updated administrative and territorial arrangement of modern Ukraine. It is also an example of how Ukrainians can unite, agree and find new opportunities in extremely hard discussions. No matter how difficult it was to make a decision about hromadas amalgamation and reform of the territorial arrangement rayon level, it finally made all of us stronger and wiser. So, the Atlas you are holding in your hands, is documented evidence of one of the most complicated and historical stages of the local self-government and territorial power arrangement reform. We have to proceed to a really decentralised country with efficient local self-government and effective territorial power arrangement, the country having a sound living environment for citizens, providing quality and accessible public services, having institutions of direct people’s rule and an efficient mechanism of congruence of interests of the state and territorial hromadas», - commented the Atlas Andriy Klochko, the head of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Arrangement of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional and Urban Development.

12.10.2020 - 10:17 | Views: 49731
An atlas of the new administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine has been created


administrative and territorial structure V.Nehoda Pavlo Ostapenko


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Мирослав Щербина
03.11.2020 - 19:57
У вік надсучасних технологій та маючи сотні видатних українських айтішніків, які створюють шикарні ігри для всього іншого світу, вдалося створити є-"атлас", від примітивізму та ядучого кольору якого рябить і болить в очах.
Andrii Kavunets
12.10.2020 - 20:10
В атласі є дві помилки по Вінниччині. 1. Барська міська громада - вказана в Жмеринському районі (де і має бути), і в Вінницькому районі (помилково) 2. Мурафська громада вказана в Жмеринському районі (де і має бути) та в Могилів-Подільському районі (помилково)
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