The reform of the Regional Development State Foundation envisages funding projects according to a new principle, - Denys Shmyhal

The Regional Development State Foundation is a significant tool of supporting regions. For the Foundation to be effective and efficient to the greatest possible extent, it is necessary to restart it. It was emphasized by the Prime-Minister Denys Shmyhal during the regular session of the Government on September, 30.

Following the results of the session, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved of the draft of the law On Amending Article 24(1) of the Budget Code of Ukraine on Raising the Efficiency of Spending Funds of the Regional Development State Foundation.

Denys Shmyhal underlines that the Budget Code amendments suggest allotting resources for regional strategies, having an effect on the whole hromada rather than locally supporting various projects from the State Budget without any strategies.

30.09.2020 - 18:06 | Views: 6130
The reform of the Regional Development State Foundation envisages funding projects according to a new principle, - Denys Shmyhal


SFRD regional development Denys Shmyhal


Урядовий портал

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