The U-LEAD with Europe programme has passed four ASC construction projects to the Government of Ukraine

Within the Inception and Roll-out Phases of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, aimed at improving the quality of providing the population with administrative services (2016-2021) there have been developed four ASC construction projects in the Mykolaivska hromada (the Sumy region), the Polonska hromada (the Khmelnytskyi region), the Novosanzharska hromada (the Poltava region) and the Velykoburlutska hromada (the Kharkiv region). Energy efficient administrative premises of the new ASCs were designed at the expense of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. The ASCpremises in the Mykolaivska and Polonska hromadas have already been built.

For the purpose of the stable development and the best Programme practices transfer to the Government of Ukraine, the design documentation concerning four ASCs construction is available at:

24.09.2020 - 08:41 | Views: 7325

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Administrative services


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