The 2020 All-Ukrainian Decentralisation Reports Contest: entries will be accepted by September, 30

By September, 30, journalists of the regional media (online, printed, radio and TV) are able to file an online contest application –, attach their reports on decentralisation, self-government, hromada development, having been first published within the period of January, 1 –September, 30, 2020 in the regional media (oblast, rayon and local ones), and win in the current Decentralisation Reports Contest. The Contest Provisions have been confirmed by the MinRegion.

For additional information, call (044) 458-44-40; (044) 501-92-03; (093) 403-58-87 or send an enquiry to the email address:

21.09.2020 - 11:57 | Views: 7564
The 2020 All-Ukrainian Decentralisation Reports Contest: entries will be accepted by September, 30


competition announcement


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