The Richelieu-Forum: State Service for the New Era Kyiv/Odesa/Lviv/Dnipro

On September, 25, 2020 The Richelieu-Forum: State Service for the New Era will be held. For several years in a row it has been a major platform for the international dialogue, exchange of experience, practices and up-to-date trends concerning urgent issues of enhancing the efficiency of the state administration and state service.

During the online/offline event, state authorities’ representatives, international and Ukrainian experts will share their experience, successful cases and innovative approaches of responding to modern challenges and overcoming them.

Live streaming of The Richelieu-Forum: State Service for the New Era will take place at the event website (, the NASS YouTube channel and the NASS official pages in social media, at the Ukrinform site and at the Ukrinform YouTube channel.

21.09.2020 - 10:31 | Views: 7115

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