"Children are eager to return to the village". Why are Transcarpathians fascinated by AHs

For a long time the Transcarpathian region has remained embarrassingly behind in terms of AH formation. The process was halted at the region authorities level: eventually the perspective plan of the region development was approved only in September of 2019, that being the fifth year of the reform. By the middle of the previous year only 8 AHs had been formed in the Transcarpathian region (that is the least of all in Ukraine).

Despite all the odds, the hromadas, having managed to get the permit for amalgamation, succeeded in doing a lot. As a result, the neighbouring villages (the majority of the local population live in the rural areas), are sometimes a little bit envious of them.

Representatives of three rural hromadas – Baranynska, Polyanska and Vilkhovetska – have shared their experience in the interview.

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