The Government will transfer UAH 100 mln to the local budgets for the purpose of establishing training and practical centres of the up-to-date vocational education

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has supported a resolution bill, involving the allotment of the subvention amount from the state budget to local budgets, aiming at establishing training and practical centres of the up-to-date vocational education in 2020. The appropriate decision was approved of by the Government as referenced by the President during the meeting on August, 26.

According to Prime-Minister Denys Shmyhal, the question is UAH 100 mln.

«In most of such institutions equipment and material procurement have not been updated for decades, whereas both our industry and agriculture need professionals. It is of vital importance to bring up our youth, being professionally trained and able to be decently employed at Ukrainian enterprises», — emphasized the head of the Government.

26.08.2020 - 15:27 | Views: 5835
The Government will transfer UAH 100 mln to the local budgets for the purpose of establishing training and practical centres of the up-to-date vocational education


education Denys Shmyhal


Урядовий портал

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