From an open discussion in the Zhytomyr region: both the local self-government and the executive authorities are of equal significance for a powerful statehood

Consultations on the division of powers between the local self-government and executive power bodies of all levels and their funding are going on in Ukraine. This time the MinRegion has invited the key participants of the local self-government reform and power territorial arrangement of the Zhytomyr region to the Decentralisation Vectors: On Tasks and Further Steps open discussion. The event has been supported by Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO).

In such a way, jointly with representatives of the local self-government, people’s deputies of Ukraine and experts, the MinRegion is augmenting bills On the Local Self-Government, On the Local State Administrations, projects of amendments to the Budget and Taxation Codes of Ukraine.

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V.Nehoda zakonoproekty obhovorennia


Житомирська область


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