Assessment of 872 AH budget financial indices: ranking for the I half of 2020

The level of AH financial solvency to perform the tasks and exercise the granted powers is one of the important issues within the decentralisation. Differentiating hromadas financial potential, based on various factors, including the hromada location, its historical development, cultural traditions, availability of economically active entrepreneurs, natural resources, industrial and social infrastructure. However, it is important to understand what hromadas financial condition is, as this issue is vital in terms of opportunities for hromadas efficient functioning and development perspectives.

According to the І half of 2020 results, AHs have been assessed and ranked on the basis of 7 financial indices. The ranking is available at

26.08.2020 - 09:30 | Views: 29531
Assessment of 872 AH budget financial indices: ranking for the I half of 2020

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budget analytics budget Viktor Ventsel Ihor Herasymchuk


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