Announcement: August, 26, Zhytomyr- the Decentralisation Vectors: On Tasks and Further Steps open online dialogue

On August, 26 the Decentralisation Vectors: On Tasks and Further Steps open online dialogue will start at 10:00 in Zhytomyr.

The event has been organized by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, supported by Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO).

The event will cover the discussion of bills on the local self-government and local state administrations, as well as amendment drafts of the Budget Code of Ukraine in terms of funding the local self-government powers and amendments to the Taxation Code, extending opportunities for increasing local budget revenues.

A briefing for regional media will be held at 12:30 in the premises of the Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration.


announcement zakonoproekty obhovorennia


Житомирська область


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