Shall rayon hospitals be transferred into hromada communal ownership? The MinRegion has discussed secondary healthcare hospitals funding in 2021

Hromadas are able to and interested in keeping and developing secondary healthcare institutions. Due to powers and resources being transferred from rayons to hromadas, from the next year rayon hospitals must be owned by hromadas.

Such a conclusion was made by representatives of the MinRegion, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finances, associations of local self-government bodies and experts during the meeting held today at the MinRegion, targeted to reviewing powers of local self-government bodies in the sphere of medicine because of the new rayons formation.

«We’ve listened to the stance of the line ministries, associations and experts. The meeting participants came to the conclusion that hromadas will be able to maintain the hospitals, currently being the rayon ones. Moreover, they have to do it, as the funds, currently being at the rayon level, will be transferred to hromadas, whereas the funding was allocated for this institution network. And nobody is going to take the funds away from hromadas. Thus, the corollary is as follows – the state will go on paying for medical services provided at the secondary healthcare hospitals but the conditions under which the services are provided will be ensured by the hromada from the next year», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

19.08.2020 - 17:36 | Views: 19975
Shall rayon hospitals be transferred into hromada communal ownership? The MinRegion has discussed secondary healthcare hospitals funding in 2021

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healthcare V.Nehoda


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