AHs cooperation in the sphere of administrative services - the U-LEAD with Europe EU Programme has presented a manual

On July, 21 during an online-conference there was presented a manual «AHs Cooperation in the Sphere of Administrative Services», developed by experts of the U-LEAD with Europe EU Programme. The manual contains cases of inter-municipal cooperation in the sphere of administrative services, explains legal nuances of various forms of inter-municipal cooperation and represents contract examples. It will be helpful for all hromadas, striving to make residents’ access to administrative services better.

«Hromadas cooperation means opportunities that used to be not available for the local self-government just a few years ago but currently is becoming more and more popular. It is an efficient and available tool for the Ukrainian AH sustainable potential and resources development», pointed out Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine during his address.

22.07.2020 - 10:33 | Views: 12665

Attached images:


Administrative services cooperation V.Nehoda Vira Kozina


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