«I’ve never heard of such an organisation», - Anatoliy Tkachuk comments an unknown public organisation address to the Romanian government

According to the Science and Development Director of the Civil Society Institute Anatoliy Tkachuk, national minorities are not oppressed in Ukraine, with Russia being behind such addresses.

This morning mass media have foamed with an unexpected announcement: the National Council of Romanians in Ukraine complained to the authorities of Romania about violations of their community right to education in their mother tongue and projects of the administrative reform. The complaint is addressed to the parliamentary committees and governmental agencies, taking care of Romanians abroad and foreign policy, as well as to the Romanian parliament authorities, the Prime-Minister and President of Romania. The News.ro Romanian portal was the first to inform about it, later it was referred to by the Romanian editorial team of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. However, the original document did not appear in the Ukrainian media space as Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty just cited separate abstracts from it.

The claim and the situation in general has been commented by Anatoliy Tkachuk, the Science and Development Director of the Civil Society Institute, having dedicated a lot of years to the decentralisation reform, particularly Ukrainians’ relationship with national minorities representatives.

16.07.2020 - 18:15 | Views: 8385
«I’ve never heard of such an organisation», - Anatoliy Tkachuk comments an unknown public organisation address to the Romanian government




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