It depends on the parliament whether rayons will be decorative or efficient, - Yuriy Hanushchak

A decentralisation expert, director of the Territories Development Institute Yuriy Hanushchak told the Decentralisation portal if the Verkhovna Rada has appointed elections in rayons today.

- The Verkhovna Rada can announce only regular elections. Has it appointed them with its resolution 3809 in old rayons? Yes and no. A new wording of clause 1 of the resolution reads as follows: «…regular elections of deputies of local councils as well as village, settlement and town heads shall be appointed». Local councils include rayon councils. Thus, regular elections in old rayons seem to be able to take place.

However, the line committee suggested another amendment to the resolution: «Regular elections shall not be held providing the first elections of deputies of the local councils as well as village, settlement and town heads are held on the same day». Local councils are mentioned here, too, covering rayon councils. It means that there is a chance that there will be no elections to rayon councils of old rayons in October. But for it the parliament must pass Resolution №3650 on rayons formation and liquidation.


15.07.2020 - 16:22 | Views: 10091
It depends on the parliament whether rayons will be decorative or efficient, - Yuriy Hanushchak


rayon Yu.Hanushchak elections


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