Services have been brought closer: offices providing services are being opened in villages of the Lviv hromada

In the settlements, having become a part of the Lviv hromada, information offices of the Lviv City Council will be established. There the local residents will be able to obtain administrative services. By the end of the summer such offices will be available in Lysynychy and Zashkiv.

Getting ready for the start of work of the Lviv Amalgamated Hromada, the city is considering options of expanding services, being provided by the Lviv City Council, to the surrounding villages. These will be contemporary mobile facilities for administrative services to be provided. There will also be a conference hall where various events will take place. It was claimed by Lyubomyr Zubach, Deputy of the city mayor, working over urban development issues.

 «It is of vital importance for us that the villages, having joined the hromada, should feel our maximum support and care. They will be able to obtain these services on the spot — either a certificate or a consultation, and there will be no need going somewhere for it», — added the Lviv mayor Andriy Sadovyi.

11.07.2020 - 10:38 | Views: 10110
Services have been brought closer: offices providing services are being opened in villages of the Lviv hromada


amalgamation of hromadas Administrative services


Львівська область


Львівська міська рада

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