The Reanimation Reform Package Coalition calls on approving the decisions, necessary for the first phase of the local self-government reform to be completed

The Reanimation Reform Package Coalition is worried about the situation with the first phase of the local self-government and power territorial arrangement reform completion due to postponing the approval of the new administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine.

The Reanimation Reform Package Coalition calls on people’s deputies of Ukraine to consider and support Resolution draft № 3650 on rayons formation and liquidation during the nearest plenary session in July.

"Appointing the local elections on a new territorial basis means a successful completion of the first reform phase — capable hromadas formation all over Ukraine and new territorial basis creation for efficient executive power bodies functioning and rayon council formation, to become bodies, representing interests of rayon hromadas and creating a certain balance of authorities between the level of regions and AHs", - claimed the Reanimation Reform Package Coalition.


03.07.2020 - 13:18 | Views: 7481
The Reanimation Reform Package Coalition calls on approving the decisions, necessary for the first phase of the local self-government reform to be completed




Реанімаційний Пакет Реформ

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