08 October 2024

Equal access to water for everybody: will the population using trucked water be left behind by the government?

This May the Ministry of Economy published a draft of the Voluntary National Inspection of the progress, having been made by Ukraine in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

Ukraine undertook commitments to follow the global agenda of Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. The goals are quite ambitious. Thus, the «water» Goal (Sustainable Development Goal 6) is aimed at the universal and equal access to safe and affordable potable water by 2030.

However, there are considerable differences between the urban and rural population in terms of access to quality potable water and sanitation in Ukraine. According to 2018 National Report on the Potable Water Quality and Potable Water Supply Condition, centralized water supply covers over 99 % of towns and only 30 % of villages. So, access to sustainable and safe water supply is still troublesome for many Ukrainians.


water DESPRO water supply V.Sorokovskyi


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