The Youth Council and the Cultural Centre are the initiatives, altering the Lanovetska AH

Youth is said to be active, come up with ideas and initiate important decisions in an AH. However, it is not always a case in reality. Young people do not always know how to take the first step. Thus, for the youth policy to be implemented efficiently in hromadas the first step can be taken by the authorities. The Lanovetska AH of the Ternopil region has witnessed such a scenario.

Amalgamation made it possible for Lanivtsi and the villages, having entered the hromada, to move to the new level of management and funding. First of all hromada residents worked over the development of education, medicine, amenities and international relations. The first considerable outcomes became obvious less than a year later. Particularly, in 2018 an inclusive resource centre and the town primary health care centre were opened. An artificial turf soccer field was built at Lanivtsi secondary school №2. There was arranged systemic household garbage disposal, funds were allotted to repair schools.




Тернопільська область


Лановецька територіальна громада


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