All AHs will get 60% personal income tax. Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has appreciated the decentralisation consistency

Georg Milbradt, Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Ukrainian reform in the areas of governance and decentralisation has appreciated the fact that all AHs of Ukraine will get 60% personal income tax to their local budgets.

He claimed that during the Donor Board for Decentralisation in Ukraine, held on June, 23.

«The reform has provided AHs with such budget receipts as 60% personal income tax. The process of voluntary amalgamation having completed, nothing has changed – all hromadas will get 60% personal income tax. Rayon consolidation doesn’t make a difference. And that makes sense as new rayons do not get any new powers, most of their functions are delegated to the hromada level. I was pleased to see the bill on it, registered by people’s deputies. It is great that the document has been supported by the MinRegion. I hope the Parliament will support it, too», - commented Georg Milbradt.

25.06.2020 - 11:28 | Views: 11114
All AHs will get 60% personal income tax. Special Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has appreciated the decentralisation consistency


rayon V.Nehoda Georg Milbradt international support


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