The territorial arrangement of Ukraine prior and following the reform (a scheme)

At the Decentralisation portal we have been discussing a complicated and inefficient territorial arrangement of Ukraine, demanding changes. But the scope of the problem is hard to comprehend verbally so, we’ve decided to visualise it.

The MinRegion data and the Verkhovna Rada statistics are represented in the left part of the scheme. By contrast, in the right part of the scheme we’ve provided a model of the territorial arrangement to be formed following the 2020 elections if the parliament passes the resolution on the new rayons.

Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine commented the threats of preserving the old model of the administrative and territorial arrangement of the country:

«The old model, inherited from the soviet era, has already been radically changed with the government decision on forming 1470 AHs, covering the whole territory of Ukraine, except for the Crimea, unfortunately. Now it is necessary to take another step – to create new rayons but this is the Verkhovna Rada power. The parliament is expected to pass an appropriate resolution by the end of the current session – by July, 17. Even if the decision is imperfect, it is sure to be better for Ukraine than the old rayon system preservation. Thus, there is a dilemma for the parliament – to preserve chaos and inefficiency or to create equal conditions, opportunities and comprehensive rules for hromadas development».



rayon administrative and territorial structure V.Nehoda


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