Reforming the civil service and the service in local self-government authorities: promote, explain and provide training cervices

Public Service Reform: What's Changing? What changes are expected in the payment of civil servants, how to hire a person for a public service position under a contract, how to improve the skills of public servants and local government officials during the quarantine. These and other topical issues interested the participants of the online training "Basic principles of reforming the civil service and service in local government", which took place on June 17.

The event was organised by the Chernihiv Regional Training Center in co-operation with the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and the Council of Europe Program "Decentralisation and Local Government Reform in Ukraine".

More information in Ukrainian.

18.06.2020 - 11:55 | Views: 11463
Reforming the civil service and the service in local self-government authorities: promote, explain and provide training cervices


study service in local self-government


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