UNO Development Programme is launching a training online-platform to support the local self-government and hromada development

UN Development Programme in Ukraine is announcing the launch of the School of Capable Hromadas training online-platform, aimed at making the local self-government more efficient and facilitating the hromada flourishing. The platform has been created within the UNO Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme, funded by the EU.

School of Capable Hromadas is an online-site, assisting the local self-government in developing professionally for the purpose of meeting their hromada demands fast and duly. From now on local self-government representatives and active hromada inhabitants will be able to acquire new knowledge, staying at home and not endangering their own and their relatives’ health under the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic.

Here local self-government representatives, public organizations and everyone interested can do various online courses, getting a free certificate of attendance.




ПРООН в Україні

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