Digitalisation is available: digital instruments of the Biloberizka AH

Digitalisation is available: digital instruments of the Biloberizka AH

The Biloberizka AH is the smallest and farthest from Ivano-Frankivsk AH, its peculiarity being the AH location among picturesque mountain ranges, due to which Internet connection became available only a couple of years ago.

However, the AH local self-government representatives implement the world practices of decentralization and digitalization of administrative services, as well as practices of efficient informing and teaching the local residents to use the services online.

All that is possible thanks to the AH participation in USAID Programme “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) and its cooperation with the SocialBoost ІТ-organisation, a partner of the DOBRE programme.


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