Online-conference «Local economy revival. How can business work under the conditions of the ІІ-nd and ІІІ-rd stages of getting out of the quarantine?»

On June, 4 at 11:00 the second online-conference «Local economy revival» will be held. This time the conference participants will discuss how business can work under the conditions of the ІІ-nd and ІІІ-rd stages of getting out of the quarantine. The conference will be broadcast in Facebook and Youtube in Ukrainian and English.

The conference has been organized by the USAID DOBRE Programme in partnership with the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The detailed conference programme will be published later.

29.05.2020 - 17:08 | Views: 9713
Online-conference «Local economy revival. How can business work under the conditions of the ІІ-nd and ІІІ-rd stages of getting out of the quarantine?»


koronavirus business budget


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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